A Whale of a Time at RTPL!

The time has come! The blue whales are here for the month of October as we host events for all ages thanks to the generous grant we received from HHMI Tangled Bank Studios and the STAR Library Network in partnership with the California Science Center. Join us to learn all about the giants of the sea at one of our three events:
'A Whale of a Toddler Time' - October 16th & 17th @ 11:30am
- Join us to read "If I Were a Whale", make a whale craft, and learn all about size comparisons! For ages 1-4 years old.
'A Whale of a Sound' - October 18th @ 6:00pm
- Kids of all ages are invited to join us for an event exploring the sounds of blue whales! What is sound? How does it move? What sounds do whales make? How do our sounds affect whales and other life? Build a photophone to watch sound move, explore whale beats, preview the movie 'Blue Whales- Return of the Giants', and take a deep dive into the ocean on our VR Oculus Quest 2. For ages 2-18 years old.
'A Whale of a Problem: Blue Whales, Microplastics, and Us' - October 25th @ 6:00pm
- People of all ages are invited to join the Ray Township Public Library and the Clinton River Watershed Council as we take a deep dive into the ocean and meet the blue whale! Preview the new giant screen film, take a virtual deep dive on our Oculus Meta Quest 2, and learn about microplastics. What are they? How do they affect the environment, the oceans, and our local waterways? What can we do to make a difference?
With so much awe and education to offer, the blue whale is now the centerpiece of a rich STEM library initiative brought to you by HHMI Tangled Bank Studios (Backyard Wilderness, My Garden of a Thousand Bees) and the STAR Library Network, in partnership with the California Science Center, SK Films, and the new Giant Screen film BLUE WHALES: Return of the Giants.