FRTLHS 2023 Calendar Sponsorship

The Friends of Ray Township Library & Historical Society is once again partnering with the Romeo Historical Society and the Greater Washington Area Historical Society to create and publish their annual calendar. The theme for the 2023 calendar will be schools, from the one-room schoolhouses built in the 1800's through the consolidation of schools into the Romeo Community School District.
Your sponsorship of their 2023 calendar not only offsets the printing costs, but highlights the many businesses that make up our community. Like everything else, printing costs are rising, however, they are keeping their sponsorship levels the same.
A business card sponsorship remains just $20 and includes a copy of our calendar, once it is printed. You can simply mail a $20 check made out to FRTLHS at 64255 Wolcott, Ray Township, MI 48096 with the completed attached form with your business card. If you are renewing your sponsorship and there aren't any changes, the group can use the graphics from the previous calendar. Please ensure this arrives by the deadline on Friday, September 30, 2022. You can also drop off these items to the Ray Township Public Library.
The 2022 calendar, Barns of Ray, Romeo, and Washington, was a huge success. Over $1,000 was raised with calendar sales throughout Ray Township and put towards our Society's Procter Cemetery Restoration Phase II project. Together with other fundraising activities and a grant from the Four County Community Foundation, the $21,000 project was completed just a couple of weeks ago. Calendar sales in Romeo and Washington Township went to those organizations for their activities and projects.
Feel free to email or call the Ray Township Public Library at 586-749-7130 if you have any questions.