Priest School

School Name: Priest
District Number: 4
Location: 31 Mile Road south side of the road west of Hartway Road
Year School Was Built: before 1859
Years of Operation: before 1859 to 1951
Property History: According to plat maps, schoolhouse No. 4 was located on the property of J. H. Sutton in 1859 on 31 Mile Road about a half mile east of Hartway Road. By 1875, the school is located about a half mile further west on 31 Mile Road, still on the south side of the road, on the property of J. Jewell. By 1895, the school was located on Lydia Jewell’s property. In 1910 and 1916, the school was located on property owned by Lewis Baade.
Note: The name Priest probably originated from Deliverance S. Priest who owned the property next to J H Sutton in 1859. Deliverance S. Priest was a Justice of the Peace and Ray Township Supervisor in 1858-59, 1861-62, 1863-70, and 1884-86. The Priest Family owned property in this area until at least 1932.
Building Architecture:
Current Status: The school building was demolished in the 1990’s.
Former Teachers: 1914 Ella Saba; 1918 Ida Mae Ward; 1919 Clarrinda Erdman; 1921 Eva Spencer; 1924 Hazel Chapman
Former Students: 1914-1924 Mabel Briggs; Cecile, Edward, Fred Jr, Grace, Lottie, & Vera Betham; Charles Clark; John Collins; Charles & Howard Cooley; Huldah Dicken; Cassandra Erdman; Lydia Evans; Alana, Altha, Emma, & Nora Gardeke; Iva Gilmore; Ella, Laura, Mildred, & Raymond Hazedorn (Hazelton?); Donald, Dorothy, Mildred, & Roy Heldt; Edward & Elizabeth Jacobs; Beatrice Jewell; William Kegler; Carl Lange; Glen, Mildred, & Minnie Lyons; Edgar, Evelyn, Gerald, Harold, & Lucille Priest; Austin & Vendetta Rowley; Harry Saba; Serena Schutt; Frank Siglow; Glen & Harvey Springborn; Mabel Surliner; Lowell & Nevil Swinger
Memorable Moments:
Compiled: May 2010
By: T. Goike, C. Firestine, D. & R. Heldt